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Members / Riders FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can get rides?
How much does it cost?
How do I ask for a ride?
Who can call to set up a ride for me?
What do I need when I call?
Where can Access2Care take me?
How will I get to my health care appointment?
Can I set up more than one ride at a time?
How will I know what time to be ready for my ride to my appointment?
What if I need to bring medical equipment during my ride?
What if I have an emergency?
What if I need help for my ride?
How will I get home after my appointment?
What if my ride is late?
What if I am unhappy about the services I receive?
What if I scheduled my ride, but found out later that I won’t need a ride back home?
What if my health care appointment is cancelled after I’ve already set up a ride?
If I’m told that I can’t get a ride, do I have a right to appeal?